Driven by a desire for better health and concern for the environment, the plant-based food and drink market is booming. One-third of consumers choose to reduce their meat consumption and are embracing flexitarian or vegan diets.
Flavour complexes can be complicated, especially when you remove a key ingredient. Consumers are seeking to continue experience the foods that they have learnt to love, but also maintain an ethical and health conscience lifestyle. How is this possible? Through the combination of varying ingredients to bridge the gap, building back positive flavour and taste associations lost by the removal of the animal-derived products.

As the plant-based industry doubled its contribution to the Australian economy from 2019 to 2020, plant-based products continue to diversify through multiple avenues such as varying protein sources, nutritional compositions, and applications. The continued growth in this category is evident and at Langdons we maintain up-to-date knowledge to pass onto our customers.
Innovation is key in this space, there can be a significant impact on product perception when removing a key ingredient. At Langdons we combine strong high-end supplier networks with our expertise in product development to rebuild mouthfeel, texture, and flavours intrinsic to the final product. In order to lend authentic sophisticated flavours, we utilise the array of ingredients we have on offer. From important functional ingredients such as starch, yeasts, and natural flavours, to herbs and spices contributing to the aromatic nature of the food